Dissemination activities
- 2019 June 12th. EUNITY partner IMT participated to the 4th ECSO WG2 Face to Face meeting in Brussels, presenting potential collaborations and business opportunities with Japan.
- 2019 June 4th. EUNITY Partners were present in the Second Concertation Cyberwatching.eu meeting in Brussels. NASK visited this event as a presenter and panelist (A. Kozakiewicz). ATOS also participated in this event as attendant, joining the discussions about possible collaborations of Europe-Japan in cybersecurity.
- 2019 April 26th. 3rd EUNITY Workshop, Kyoto.
- 2019 April 25th. S. Fantin, EU Japan Privacy and Cybersecurity partnership: an EU policy perspective, academic lecture at NAIST - IPLab/Center for Cyber Resilience - Nara.
- 2019 April 24th. S. Fantin, Privacy and Cybersecurity in Europe: Policy, Legislation and Opportunities, academic lecture at University of Tokyo Information Technology
Center. - 2019 April 23rd-25th. France-Japan Workshop on Cybersecurity, Kyoto.
- 2019 April 22nd-23rd. A Comparative Study Between Japan and the European Union on Software Vulnerability Public Policies, ICCCIS 2019 : International Conference on Cyber Crime and Information Security - Tokyo.
- 2019 January 24th. The 2nd EUNITY workshop "Fostering EU-Japan dialogue in the field of cyber security" will take place in Brussels. It is organized by the ECSO organization and the EUNITY project.
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- 2019 January 22nd. EUNITY partners participated in FIC 2019 | International Cybersecurity Forum.
- 2019 December 6th. EUNITY participated in the "Harmonising EU and international Cybersecurity and Privacy" workshop organized by the Cyberwatching.eu project. Co-located with the ICT2018 EC event, Vienna, Austria.
- 2018 October 1st. Presentation on the kick-off event of the European CyberSecurity Month “Case study: Opportunities for European-Japanese cooperation in the field of cybersecurity - strategic and technical perspective (presentation in Polish: Case study: Możliwości współpracy europejsko-japońskiej w dziedzinie cyberbezpieczeństwa - perspektywa strategiczna i techniczna).Warsaw.
- 2018 September 28th. EUNITY was present in the European Researchers' Night 2018 event with a poster and an EUNITY leaflet. The event took place at FORTH, Heraklion, Greece.
- 2018 September 24th to 28th. EUNITY was present in the ENISA-FORTH Summer School on Network and Information Security with a poster and an EUNITY leaflet which was circulated to the audience. Heraklion, Greece.
- 2018 September 10th to 12th. EUNITY was present in the RAID2018 (The 21st International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses) conference with a TV poster and an EUNITY leaflet which was circulated to the audience, Heraklion, Greece.
- 2018 September. GDPR and Japanese Privacy Act: Comparative Overview of GDPR and Japanese Privacy Act based on Deliverable D3.1 was compiled and published on the website.
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- 2018 May 15th to 18th. Presentation in the "Fourth French-Japanese Cybersecurity Workshop".
- WP3 aims at eliciting common topics of interest. As the French-Japanese workshop on Cybersecurity is a place where French and Japanese cybersecurity researchers seek to collaborate, it is ideal in surveying what are the current and future topics of common interest for both France (and then Europe) and Japan.
- 2018 May 2nd. European Cyber-Security Organization (ECSO) WG2 physical meeting in Brussels.
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- Goals: raise awareness of the activities of EUNITY and initiate discussions with the other CSAs on future joint actions. The presentation of EUNITY was made available to all ECSO WG6 registered members.
- 2018 April 26th. Participation in the concertation meeting organized by the Horizon 2020 CSA Cyberwatching.eu project.
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- Cyberwatching.eu is the Scope 1 CSA project from the H2020-DS-SC7-
2016 call. Cyberwatching.eu is a four-year project dedicated to survey cybersecurity
and privacy R&I initiatives across Europe, and promote European products,
firstly from SMEs, in order to provide them access to the markets, by
building a catalogue of products, services and software. A presentation was given in the context of the Concertation meeting which gathered 50 H2020 projects on the topics of cybersecurity and privacy in
order to foster collaboration and networking, as well as inform both Cyberwatching.
eu and attending projects on future project outcomes (products, services, software).
- Cyberwatching.eu is the Scope 1 CSA project from the H2020-DS-SC7-
- 2018 January 31st. European Cyber-Security Organization (ECSO) WG6 physical meeting in Brussels.
- Working group 6 (WG6) is in charge of defining the strategic research agenda for ECSO. It discussed and provided input to the H2020 2018-2020 work-programme and is currently discussing the 2030 outlook
for the next “Horizon Europe” research framework.
- Working group 6 (WG6) is in charge of defining the strategic research agenda for ECSO. It discussed and provided input to the H2020 2018-2020 work-programme and is currently discussing the 2030 outlook
- 2018. Presentation in "The Motorola Solutions Innovation Showcase". Internal event of the Polish campus of Motorola Solutions.
- The Motorola Solutions Innovation Showcase is a regular internal event of the Polish campus of Motorola Solutions, attended by over 100 engineers and managers. The main goal of the event is internal cross pollination, but external keynote speakers are invited to widen the scope.
- 2017 December 5th-6th. Stakeholders from Japan visited Athens.
- EUNITY members facilitated the visit of the Japanese stakeholders and attended presentations from FORTH, GRNET, UoP and AEGIS Research SME. They were also linked to ENISA and met representatives from the Agency during the second day of their stay.
- 2017 October 4th. Keynote in "The “Future of Security and Privacy, Dcypher Event", in Utrecht.
- The keynote was on research challenges in cybersecurity and privacy. The type of participats was mixed, most of them were from industry.The audience was approximately 400 participants. The goal was to bring research challenges to attention of EU and international experts and policy makers and get updates on the most research and industry security challenges and needs.
- 2017 October 3rd. Participated in the symposium ``Updating the European Cyber Security Strategy: Partnerships for Prevention and Preparedness” in Brussels.
- This symposium provided businesses, local actors, industry regulators, intelligence agencies, police, technology specialists, academics and other key stakeholders with a timely and invaluable opportunity to engage with European cybersecurtity policies, collectively enhance our defences to malicious
actors and address the root causes of vulnerability to cyber threats. The scope of the event was to update on the European strategy, the state of the research market and the main stakeholders
- This symposium provided businesses, local actors, industry regulators, intelligence agencies, police, technology specialists, academics and other key stakeholders with a timely and invaluable opportunity to engage with European cybersecurtity policies, collectively enhance our defences to malicious
- 2017 September 26th to 28th. Japanese delegates from critical infrastructure sectors visited Paris, France.
- 14 delegates from critical infrastructure sectors visited Paris, France from the 26th to 28th of September, 2017. On September 26th, EUNITY partners from NAIST visited IRT SystemX. They observed cybersecurity initiatives for smart meters and automotive vehicles.
- 2017 September 27th. Participation in the Cyber Security Round Table in Brussels.
- This round table meeting brought together EU policy makers, academic experts,
and public & private sector representatives from Operational and IT
backgrounds, leading cyber security authorities and some of the worlds' most
influential IT solution providers.
- This round table meeting brought together EU policy makers, academic experts,
- 2017 May 16th to 17th. "The Future of Security and Privacy, Imec Technology Forum", in Antwerp.
- Keynote on research challenges in cybersecurity security and privacy. The type of participats was mixed, most of them were from industry. The audience was approximately 800 participants. It is an international conference for thought leaders in semiconductor industry, where cybersecurity and privacy are becoming increasingly important. Target was to bring research challenges to attention of broader EU and international audience and get updates on the most research and industry security challenges and needs.
- 2017 April 30th. Keynote in research and standardization challenges related to IoT security in Paris ("Privacy and Security Challenges for the IoT, Workshop on Security for Embedded and Mobile Systems (SEMS)").
- Keynote on research and standardization challenges related to IoT security. The type of audience was from academia and industry. The audience was approximately 60 participants. It is a scientific workshop with international experts in IoT security. Goal was to bring research and standardization challenges to attention of experts.
- 2017 February 20th to 22nd. "The Future of Information Security" (ICISSP), in Porto.
- Keynote on research challenges in information security. The type of audience was from academia and industry. The audience was approximately 100 participants. It is a scientific conference in the area of cybersecurity. Goal was to bring research challenges to attention of audience of experts.
- 2017 February 14th-17th. Panel chair in "Postquantum Cryptography", RSA conference, in San Francisco, CA.
- Bringing research and standardization challenges to attention of broader audience.
- 2016 March. Visit (as program chair) to Fast Software Encryption (Tokyo), research lab of Hitachi in Yokohama and Kansai University in Osaka.
- The aim of the visit was to discuss future research collaborations in cryptography
and cybersecurity. From FSE originated 160 people and from Hitachi the discussion took place
between 6 researchers. In Kansai University there was a discussion with 20+ researchers with visits to several labs.
- The aim of the visit was to discuss future research collaborations in cryptography